Thursday, June 26, 2008

Sending the wrong message

The current protest against the controversial chapter in the Social Studies textbook in Kerala is finally sending the wrong message to students. I believe that these protests in the form of burning text books, destroying public property, pelting stones at each other, causing road blocks, causing problems for the public is finally causing much more negative impact on the minds of students than the controversial text in question. In a culture where we respect textbooks equal to God, the scene of burning textbooks is really deplorable. Seeing these violent protests I am forced to believe that none of these people who protest this way are concerned actually about the children and their future but about personal gains.


Anonymous said...

I too strongly agree with u...they all r playing politic games not bothered abt future generations or development...sad part of kerala politics

shinu said...

i have always believed tat majority of all protests are not for the benefit of common people but only for the benefit of some politicians and leaders. most of the protests just cause damage to public and even private properties. i dont know how could people react so foolishly without even knowing the consequences.